Safe Concept

2016 October Special Issue – Fall Preventing Shoes

In the last decade, the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has made significant contributions to the prevention of fall-related injuries among the elderly population. In 2008, there were 32,636 elders admitted to hospital after falls, of which 28,539 had bone fractures. CUHK estimated that the cost of related medical care amounted to HK$2 billion a year. As Hong Kong moved further towards an aging society, the medical expenses related with falls will be a very heavy burden to the society.

Despite the alarming medical expenses, the cost of preventive measures are actually very low if we start with the family.

1. According to a study published in 2006, “Shoe characteristics and balance in older women”, 75% of the falls are associated with sub-standard shoes, such as slippers, sandals, flat-bottom shoes or cloth shoes. Many seniors and their family members may think that shoes for the elderly should be soft and comfortable. But shoes that are soft and comfortable may not give the necessary protection and stability.

In Hong Kong, some shoes are designed for the elderly with fall preventive features, with a price range from $600 to $700. These shoes usually have proper tread patterns, soft insoles to absorb shock, and outsole of appropriate hardness. The shoe surface is made of elastic material and the heels have appropriate height. All these features are related to the characteristics of the elderly’s foot. For example, the fat layer of the elderly’s foot bottom is relatively thin and unable to absorb shock effectively. Some elderly with hallux valgus or diabetics need to wear shoes that have a wider head and sufficient space.

2. The majority of falls in the home happened in the bathroom and toilet because the floor is wet and slippery. Recently there is a new kind of bath mat that is made of diatomaceous earth. This is a natural mineral that comes from the dead bodies of the plankton. Unlike the soft bath mat made of textile materials, bath mat made of diatomaceous earth is heavier, with a hard surface like a piece of floor tile. On the surface of this kind of bath mat are myriads of pores making it a surprisingly effective absorbent. Elderly and their family members can evaluate whether this new kind of bath mat could reduce the risk of fall.

3. Some seniors do not like to use a walking cane because they don’t want to look like “a weak and old person”. Some of them use a umbella or a hiking stick instead. Hiking sticks may look like more fashionable, but they are designed as a tool for hiking rather than supporting the weight of whole person.  An unbella is convenient but its height could seldom be adjusted. Hence, both the hiking stick and umbella are not good alternatives of a walking cane. Even if they use a walking cane, elderly and their family members should regularly inspect the conditions of the walking cane. If the rubber tip is worn out, it should be replaced immediately. Otherwise, the waling cane is unsafe for use. They should also learn the correct ways to use a walking cane, so as to minimize the risk of fall.

Preventive measures are often ignored or neglected. But in fact they are low cost and effective. Start with these simple changes will save a lot of time, money and unnecessary pain and sufferings of your beloved one.